Osteochondrosis symptoms and treatment of lumbar spine

signs and symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

One of the conditions, accompanied by severe pain syndrome, called lumbar spine osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment of the disease, at least first aid for "lumbago", should be known to everyone.

Diagnosis of lumbar spine osteochondrosis

The diagnosis of lumbar spine osteochondrosis is made in several stages. It begins with the collection of available patient complaints and further studies on the history of the disease.

The next step is to examine the patient. Pain points are expressed by palpation on the surface of the spine.

Radiology is mandatory for a person. This technique is the main method to diagnose this disease. In the resulting picture, the doctor can detect signs of special inflammation - narrowing of the cracks between the vertebrae. In addition, x-rays reveal subclronal sclerosis, a condition in which the surface of individual vertebrae is compacted, as well as osteophytes (bone growth).

MRI scans are also mandatory. It is a magnetic resonance imaging that makes it possible to diagnose pathological processes occurring in the spine with maximum accuracy.

Computed tomography can be an alternative to MRI, replacing the procedure if a person is physically unable to spend about 40 minutes in a confined tomography space.

Blood tests are also given. It is necessary to exclude rheumatic pathology. Analysis was performed if a patient with a confirmed diagnosis of osteochondrosis experienced an increase in ESR.

Symptoms of lumbar spine osteochondrosis

Each vertebra contains a fibrous ring that helps the spine withstand the pressure placed on it. Pathological changes that occur in intracartilaginous tissue cause an increase in pressure on the fibrous ring. Its protrusion occurs, accompanied by injury to the nerve root. The result of that change is severe pain syndrome. This is how lumbar spine osteochondrosis manifests itself, the symptoms and treatment we are considering.

Signs of inflammation of the lumbar spine are:

  • severe pain is a major symptom of degenerative changes in the spine, as healthy people do not experience back pain;
  • increased pain - improved after a long stay in the same position;
  • sharp pain - lumbago - in the lumbar region;
  • sensation of periodic tingling in the legs.

In women, pathology can manifest itself with additional symptoms (it is caused by a violation of local blood circulation due to increased pressure):

  • inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system - uterus and ovaries;
  • infertility - develops in rare cases and is a complication of advanced osteochondrosis format in the lumbar region.

With osteochondrosis, the thigh muscles ache and do not allow walking - what to do

If during osteochondrosis the thigh muscles are sore and do not allow walking, then how can the pain be relieved and what is the cause of the pain?

For this pathology, the development of unpleasant sensations in the lower back is typical. At first, they formed only after doing vigorous physical activity, but as the situation worsened, they became relentless, acquiring a sick character. Sometimes a person has "lumbago" - a sharp painful sensation.

Pain relief when walking and when the patient is in a horizontal position. But when a person sits, stands, or coughs / sneezes, the pain only increases. In this case, the pain can spread to the thigh muscles and significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life.

Symptomatic medications are usually recommended to relieve the condition. They do not cure osteochondrosis, but only reduce the manifestations of pain.

To alleviate the condition, drugs from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug category can be prescribed.

Restrictions are practiced for severe pain. But only an expert can give pain like this. The doctor gives an injection at certain points, which can help relieve the pain completely. Individual intolerance to drugs used is contraindicated.

Preparations for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lower back

One of the most unpleasant back diseases is lumbar spine osteochondrosis, the symptoms and treatment of this disease involve the use of several groups of drugs. The funds are used in the complex.

Preparations from the muscle relaxation category are designed to relax the muscle corset and relieve the cramps that form. In addition, they normalize local blood circulation, partially relieving pain.

When choosing a medication, one should consider the available contraindications. The number is large.

The next product group is drugs that improve blood circulation. Lack of oxygen by internal organs due to narrowing of the vessel lumen can cause their hypoxia. To exclude the development of such pathologies, patients are given special medications.

Painkillers are a mandatory medicine. To relieve swelling and relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. They have no therapeutic effect, but act symptomatically, relieving existing pain.

The attending physician should prescribe his medication and choose the dosage. It is highly recommended not to increase the dose of your own medication, as this can have a very negative effect on general well-being.

The prescribed drug category is sedative. The main symptom of osteochondrosis is severe pain, which negatively affects the mental state of the patient.

Exceeding the prescribed dose prescribed by a specialist is unacceptable.

Low back osteochondrosis: home treatment

Home treatment for lumbar spine osteochondrosis is primarily aimed at relieving pain. Doctors allow the use of painkillers.

Keep in mind that you can start treatment only after consulting your doctor. The choice of medication and dosage should be handled by a specialist.

Osteochondrosis - treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies consists of the preparation of various scrubs.

  • Ointments based on hops and butter give good results. Dry hop cones should be ground into a powder and mixed with softened butter. Thoroughly rubbed mass must be applied to the inflamed area until completely absorbed.
  • A popular remedy is rubbing elderberry. For a glass of medical alcohol berries, four glasses of fresh berries are taken. Before pouring it with alcohol, elderberry must be rubbed. Insist the drug for two weeks, then drain and use the tincture to rub.

Now you know what lumbar spine osteochondrosis is, its symptoms and treatment of its condition. If you experience pain like this disease, you should seek qualified medical help.