Why back pain: causes, variety of pain, treatment

It hurts many back and in a very different way, with the time it happens with the majority of adults. Someone has pain that does not reveal anything serious, just need to do some simple exercises, for which she spent. Someone becomes a symptom of a tumor, infection, injury, or degenerative changes in the spine.

Find out what causes the pain, what happens and what to do with it is not so difficult.

Causes of pain in the back

causes of pain in the back

Why the back pain? Causes of back pain are varied. To describe them is easier, breaking into groups.

  • Temporary. The syndrome can occur in healthy people for a short period of time, as a result of exposure to adversity, abuse of physical exercise, a long finding in the same position. It is not dangerous, just to get rid of.
  • Degenerative diseases. Appears as a result of changes in the vertebral column: a vertebra is displaced, problems with the intervertebral disks, pinched nerve. It is not dangerous, but is unpleasant and has a long chain.
  • Infectious. It becomes a symptom of an inflammatory process, which passes in the heart of the spinal column or the muscles. Dangerous, because the infection affects the whole body is extremely negative and can cause death of the patient.
  • Radiating. It becomes a symptom of a disease of the internal organs. The spine is not affected, the pain is only given on the back.
  • Other. This group combine the causes, that did not make the top four.

Sorting out, for the pain in the back, you should disassemble each group separately.

Temporary pain

This small group, but they have the chance to find any person. The causes are three:

  • Uncomfortable position of the body. The back pain becomes a natural response to muscle tension and wrong the flexion of the vertebral column. Pain pull, the nasty. Are characteristic to people who work sitting several hours, not by creating a convenient workplace, during long periods of in the same position.
  • - Exertion of the muscles. If not trained, a person begins to use the gravity goes active, work, or go to the gym, the reaction of your muscles and ligaments will be natural on the day following, he will suffer from pain. The nature of your pulling, is enhanced when you try to move. If you continue to strive, you can take your muscles up to inflammation.
  • Pregnancy. In addition, so that the child can get out of generic paths, already in the first months of pregnancy the woman's body begins to be developed a hormone that ligament soft. In this case, the longer the term, the greater the child's weight and the load on the spine result become pull constant pain localized in the back or the sacrum.

Back pain of this type spend on themselves muscles are restored, is born the child, the position of the body changes and everything back to normal, almost without the participation of the patient.

All he can do to relieve your condition, entails in time of peace.

Degenerative disc disease pain

degenerative disc disease pain

Such malfunction is more serious, which is temporary, and itself does not pass. These include:

  • Osteocondrose. The reason for degenerative changes in the structure of the intervertebral disc. They lose the elasticity and become flat, resulting in the vertebrae becoming less agile, to collapse, change shape. Distinguish, depending on what you be amazed with the departments of the vertebral column: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. Neck strap accompanied by pain, give up the shoulder, painful headaches, dizziness, deterioration of hearing. The breastplate is given to the chest, often so difficult that you may experience problems with breathing. When lumbar are given to the feet is often accompanied by lameness and disorders pelvic.
  • Intervertebral disc an inguinal hernia. The hernia develops when the intervertebral disc bulges between the vertebrae. First, the dull pain, pulling, intensifies when the disc press the vertebrae when the patient coughs, raises the gravity, time sitting in the same place. In the future intensifies, begins to take its members, becomes acute. Accompanied by muscle weakness, rapid change of attitude for the worse, problems with the sensitivity of members. If not treated, can lead to paralysis of all, what follows the drive, that pinched.
  • The displacement of the vertebra. Develops due to pathology congenital or due to degenerative changes in the structure of the vertebral column. It is most often in the lumbar region, the pain is constant, pulling, respond to the buttocks and legs.
  • The loss of the unit. It becomes a logical continuation of development of hernias of the spinal column. Pinched disc bulges so, what's really a roll from his place. For the state has the acute pain patient stuck in a position and very much strives to not move, to not worsen.
  • Sciatica. Occurs due to crushing of the nerve root of the spinal cord. It manifests pain, then a tingling sensation, numbness, reduced sensitivity to the complete atrophy of the phase which is connected with the nervous system, the system provides a particular spine. It is for rods of low back pain, a strong pain that is caused, in which the patient suddenly shoots back and he is stuck in a bent position, unable to stretch.
  • Osteoporosis. Occurs, or by old age, or due to hormonal disorders in the body. The bone tissue, as a result of the influence of the disease, becomes less dense and loses its normal pattern. The pain appear when the duty to remain in the static posture, or change of climate. They accompany the change of posture, leg cramps and emergency, the fragility of the bones of any weak punch could lead to fracture.
  • The Disease Ankylosing. It is a disease that leads to weakening of the small joints of the spine, connecting the vertebrae of the individual. It is characterized by constant pain, which intensifies at night and it makes it easier in the morning.

Degenerative changes in dress, the chronic nature and are treated, for the most part, a life-changing and manual therapy. Symptomatic treatment is given only during exacerbations, and operating the intervention, showing only in some cases, the osteocondrose, for example, they do not help.


Specific inflammation of the spine is not very, for the most part, the syndrome occurs due to infectious diseases, which can, in principle, be located anywhere. It is the most common of the two diseases:

  • Tuberculosis. Interactions most common way, but it turns out that affect the spine. Pain of agony, the treatment is long and difficult, many times, the person remains at the end deficient.
  • The osteomyelitis. Affects the bone tissue, the periosteum, the bone marrow. Reeds, with the formation of pus. Pain pull, accompanied by the formation of fistula of ulcers in the body.

And tuberculosis, and osteomyelitis are accompanied by increase of temperature, headache, muscle weakness, fatigue and, often, also, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea all the classic symptoms of infection. Treating them is necessary, because the more the home is the stage, however, it will be more efficient.


erradioa pain

Disease of the internal organs may also be the cause of the development headaches. When the pain does not increase and does not decrease with the change in the position of the body and is also accompanied by a clear symptomatology, pointing to the specific body.

  • Rim. The most frequent option, often with inflammatory diseases or stones. The pain surrounding, at the level of the waist, stronger back, does not depend on the movement. Accompanied by frequent urges to urinate, saturated with the yellow color of the urine or blood in the same location, the increase of temperature. It is sometimes found in the form of acute renal colic pain on one side of the back.
  • The gastrointestinal. When the ulcer or gastritis pain may be given on the back. Description of aching, arise at night, when the man goes out for the night, or when he is hungry, or immediately after a meal. Accompanied by the classic symptoms of disorders of the stomach and intestine swelling, increased formation of gas, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Sometimes, it is added heartburn and blood in the stool black, if the patient has gastric ulcer, black, if the ulcer of the intestine.
  • Gynecology. The women of the pain and also are hurting nature, are a little above the waist. Accompanied by disturbances of the menstrual cycle, secretion, abnormal color and consistency, odor, problems, when the sexual act, sometimes, fever.
  • Light. The pain stabbing, chest is increased in inspiration, and weakens at expiration. Accompanied with wheezing, shallow rapid breathing, symptoms of oxygen fasting, fatigue, dizziness, fainting.
  • Heart. The pain stabbing, also in the chest, can be given in the shoulder and the hand on the left side. Accompanied by arrhythmias or tachycardia, rapid breathing, vertigo.

In this case, pain syndromes easily communicate with the internal organs, because, when the normal sensations of pain in the back without most symptoms do not occur.


This group includes such pathology, as a malignant tumor, and a back injury, who have not entered the previous. They lie, the different symptoms:

  • The tumor. Cancer in the spine occurs exclusively rare then ends up by being hit or bone marrow or bone tissue. More round takes place is permeated with metastasis, and then, in addition to the symptoms the patient suffers from severe back pain.
  • The trauma. The fall, bumps, and other injuries leave the hematoma, sometimes, the fracture of the ribs, or even the spinal column itself. And the symptomatology and the treatment very much depends on the nature of the injury, of a bell and she came, of how the young man. More often effects vary of simply waiting, to descend to a bruise before going to the hospital and wait until the bone will grow together.

In any case, these reasons are serious and require a visit to the doctor, the diagnosis and the treatment.

Types of pain

The pain in the back is different take many times, what is the problem, you can only by your character. Happens:

  • strong, pulling characteristic of degenerative changes, or, if it is accompanied by symptoms for diseases of the heart and lungs;
  • acute occurs when sciatica pain, loss of vertebra, cramps, renal and infectious defeat, often accompanied by temperature rise;
  • hurting the most are often caused by muscle tension and spinal (and so the muscles by palpation solid, flattened), but can testify and degenerative changes are not in the acute phase, if the back pain permanent;
  • radiating symptoms of back pain are accompanied by symptoms from other organs, the pain does not change the intensity nor in function of the position of the body, depending on the time of day.

If back pain, pain tells a lot about what is struck. Sometimes does not even need to visit a doctor and he can understand himself.

What to do when back pain?

what to do when back pain

There are some cases that go to the doctor, not necessarily:

  • if it is a disease of chronic character, and the patient I had met him once;
  • if the pain arose as a result of the surge;
  • if the patient just sat in posture problems and can be clearly associated with pain.

In such cases, enough to maintain the space, that it hurts hot (can be roll up his handkerchief), avoid postures uncomfortable and drink vitamins they help the body recover faster.

Immediately write to your doctor or call him at home, you need to:

  • the pain appeared after the injury;
  • the pain is accompanied by loss of sensitivity in the back or legs;
  • the pain does not pass for a few days, or even be amplified;
  • she accompanies the fever and other symptoms of infection;
  • the pain does not go away if you lie down and relax;
  • the pain came with more symptoms of tachycardia, shortness of breath, urinary problems, constipation or diarrhea.

The doctor also should visit, if the pain in the back and hurts a child or an elderly person with more than fifty years.


The diagnostic passes consistently after the consultation in which the doctor approaches the patient about the symptoms, and passes the palpation, are made various examinations, to understand what can lead to back pain.

Among them:

  • general blood and urine tests allow you to have a perspective on the state of the organism, and also to identify infective is an infection, if there is one;
  • x-ray is suitable for the detection of tumors and tuberculosis, allows you to have an idea about the shape of the spine and its deformation;
  • Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging are applied to obtain the maximum of a detailed picture of the spinal column.

After the receipt of the results of the examinations, the doctor can already assume that was the reason of state and assigning more specialized and tests. A biopsy, which will reveal which pass processes of the tissues, neurological tests, showing the depth of injury, infections, plantations, reveal the pathogen.

As a result of a circle decrease so, that the reason for such a pathology will be evident and you can go to treatment.