Back pain in pregnancy

Surely every woman that at least once she was pregnant, faced with back pain, especially in the later pregnancy. Usually gestation of a child is a very complex process: the body and all women's bodies are re-created, and to bear the double load of work. The digestive, circulatory, respiratory and excretory system - they should all now work not just the woman, but also for your baby. Touched is and muscle system-traction of the spinal column.

Therefore, the back pain during pregnancy - it is not extraordinary, and very natural phenomenon. Let's see why this happens and what to do, if it hurts a lot, and the painkillers pregnant can't buy.

back pain during pregnancy

Causes of back pain during pregnancy

In the body of a pregnant woman from the first days begin to go through changes that in one way or another, prepare it for the future joyful event. During the pregnancy, during the whole period of nature continually introduced which fix, especially concerning hormones.

Thus, it produces a hormone relaxin relaxes the ligaments in the sacral and even coccygeal joints. This ensures your mobility, so desired during childbirth.

But the stability of the sacral of the department, when this falls, and the woman for the payment you must stretch the muscles of the back and stomach.

During pregnancy the estrogen in the woman almost all time low and the progesterone up to date - provides ideal conditions for gestation. Reverse the relationship (decrease of progesterone and increase in estrogen) can cause uterine bleeding and miscarriage)

Prior to delivery, the level of progesterone drops dramatically, and the estrogen is growing

Of estrogen depends on the elasticity and the tonus of the uterus, as well as their ability to contract. Thanks same progesterone is ensured by the formation of the placenta and the growth of the uterus, during the period of pregnancy. Each week, the woman is gaining new kilograms, her belly rounded, and all the more it is emitted to the front. From about 14 weeks, these signs of guessed it out, and hide the pregnancy is already hard. Is also changed, the gait and the posture of the future mama: if you notice, they all walk with your head held high and the shoulders back. This march is popularly called "proud". In fact, despite the fact that every woman internally and instinctively as the intrinsic nature, is proud of his position, the reason of such an attitude very prosaic: the Center of gravity of the mother is shifted to the front, the angle of inclination of the pelvis increases, causing grows in the lumbar lordosis, and to maintain the balance, the backbone in the thoracic is fed back along with the shoulders and the head

Of course, walking all the time in such a situation it is not easy to - back, inevitably, starts to ache, especially in the thoracic and lumbar spine. Thus, the main causes of back pain during pregnancy the physiological and direct communication of the state itself, that is, they are characteristic of any woman during pregnancy. this is:

  • The natural change of the curvatures of the vertebral column and the displacement of its centre of gravity
  • The increase in the elasticity of the ligaments and the mobility of the joints of the sacral and the department of
  • The reduction of the amount of estrogen, the main hormone that participates in the construction of bone structure, normal
  • The lack of estrogen generates the fragility of the bones and leads to osteoporosis.

Important tips for pregnant women to relieve back pain

Therefore, important tips, that want to give a future mother, is:
  • The first thing you need to do during pregnancy is normal daily consumption of calcium, preferably with vitamin D, as one of the most important in the body
  • Also along the way must necessarily take folic acid is very important for the development of the fetus.
  • The lack of folic acid can cause congenital spinal hernia of your child
back pain during pregnancy causes

Gymnastics during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you also need to necessarily do a daily exercise for expectant mothers. Don't be afraid that it may affect your baby or you.

The child of their assets, the classes will be a benefit, as well as improve your blood circulation, nutrition and even mood. Around the gym is a beneficial system, since it will relieve the muscle spasm, thanks to which the pain in the back, in addition to strengthening injury-muscle-coherent system

To get more causes of pain during pregnancy and individual for each woman and the cause of the pain:

  • The presence of dystrophic degenerative processes in the spine, even before pregnancy
  • Inconvenience of shoes, for example, very high heels
  • Other diseases or pathology
  • The uterus in good shape
  • Tilting of the uterus

Pain sacral hernia

If a woman has pain sacral hernia, it needs to doubly enhance the control of their disease, especially in the second half of pregnancy:

  • Be sure to visit an orthopedist
  • Do the stretching exercises
  • Use support corset . Wearing corsets is also recommended for all women, and that the pain in the back, from 34 weeks of gestation.

The difficulties of the last months

In the last two months before the birth of the baby heavy to the woman.

Weight of the fetus is already quite decent, and is increasingly more pressure on your spine. The pain in the back can buy a radicular nature and given in the leg, especially when walking

The uterus begins to fall and to exert pressure on other organs of the pelvis, for women, the symptoms of cystitis

The load of the rim in the third quarter, also grows in addition to the increase in the volume of circulation sanguine purificationis system liquid and the increase of waste products in the fetus.

This may cause a pyelonephritis, or even to the symptoms of renal failure, if the woman already had before pregnancy, kidney problems, kidney Problems can become an additional source of back pain in pregnant

The increased tone of the uterus

A common problem in pregnancy - increased tone of the uterus. In general, it is a phenomenon that is dangerous in the previous periods, when the threat of abortion. In the future, this is not for women, in addition to unpleasant sensations, no danger.

For what reasons is the increased tone of the uterus? As simple, and scientifically valid:

  • Your baby only lightly hit her leg, checking-if: not slept, have not forgotten about him, ready for his rapid emergence of light
  • Stress and bad mood results in a tone not only the "fibers of the soul", but and the uterus. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should try to always keep calm and be in a good mood, which is more so important to the health of the nervous system is the future of a child
  • The tension of the muscles of the back and the stomach is the past and in the muscle of the uterus
  • In the recent life cycle arise false contractions syndrome (Braxton Hicks)

Therefore, the "general rehearsal" for future delivery

What medications to apply of back pain during pregnancy

Pregnant women often are faced with a problem: they, the poor, it is not possible to enjoy of many medications. So, we all know about non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, we accept back pain to the pregnant woman are not valid. Why? Because they have many contraindications, and dangerous to the common people, while, in the up position.

If the woman during the pregnancy or sick with pain in the back pain unbearable?

  • For the treatment, you can use the broth from herbs, bee products
  • Medicine antispasmodic, which can also be used during pregnancy
  • You can use homeopathic drugs, that is also absolutely harmless

If everything is done correctly and adhere to these simple recommendations, the pregnancy should be made easily, and the baby will be born healthy and happy.