The main causes of back pain in the field below the blades but above the waist

The uneasy feelings in the back usually occur due to anomalies of the vertebral column. However, it is not so simple. Often the pain in the back below the blade is called the disease of the internal organs, causes psychosomatic or traumatic injuries. So, before you start the treatment, you need to find out what, specifically, became the cause of the point of reaction of the organism. As a rule, do a self is not possible, to appeal to the advice your doctor.

The causes of pain

Find back below the scapular area can for a number of reasons. If the person experiences a strong pain, this is caused by lesions in the back or in the spine, inflammatory processes in it. If the person characterizes the pain that is caused, such as aching, pulling, of average intensity, is, probably, it is the pathologies of the vertebral column or of the heart, the blood vessels, stomach, chronic of the current. Dull pain can occur diseases of the bladder and of the heart.

Among all the conditions which favor the pain under the scapulae, the most common of these are the factors related with pathological changes in the spinal column. This explains the fact that your spinal column (all its departments, including the thorax) constantly experiences an increase of the workload, supporting the body weight of a person, allowing you to walk in a straight line. If the person is not involved with the muscle strength of the drum back, do not take care of the posture, with the time it begins to hurt to spin.

Diseases of the spinal column

the pain in the back below the blade


Osteocondrose is one of the most frequent causes of back pain. The disease occurs when the person has irregular and lack of physical activity. In this case, a significant decrease in the muscles of the back and chest, which is complemented unpleasant painful manifestations, t. to. your spinal column can't cope with the load. On the discs of the spinal column is the pressure of the vertebrae, which does not allow units to receive enough of nutrients. Under such influence, they become deformed, altering its structure. Thanks to these changes in the discs if you irritate, the nerves, the spine ceases to be elastic, to callparaOh and disks are formed OSteOFIts. All of this combined, calls him a man of sorrows in the back of the blades, the left or the right, depending on where exactly DefeMSUtXia nerve endings.

Osteocondrose of the cervical spine is manifested discomfort in the occipital of the head, neck, and then pain drops to below – up to the scapular area. A person can feel, the neck, the head becomes numb.

Types of degenerative disc disease

If the patient presents osteocondrose the thoracic spine, the back starts to ache directly in the space between the blades. The pain felt and in the chest. People say that it's hard to breathe (breathe deeply). And also there are cases in which, due to the maternal degenerative disc disease, the person feels a pain in the heart.

Happens that point the answer in the back under the shoulder is manifested osteocondrose lumbar spine. In this case, a pain the reaction occurs in the lumbar region, gives us the lower limbs, if the disease progresses, the pain begins to give in the left pane of the scapula. Usually, the back pain above the waist, caused pathological changes in the spinal position, the worst, when the person moves actively.

To improve the state of the patient, the person may be, using the recipes of folk medicine, as well as massage patient area. If the pain does not cease, you should consult a doctor. This pathology is involved in a neurologist who, after the diagnosis of events will make the appointment necessary medicines and more treatment techniques (physical therapy, exercise, massage, and Dr).


In the case when backache is caused by myositis or insufficient muscle tone, the treatment can be regular execution of specially selected physical exercises. Also in this case, you can apply the friction of the muscles in the region below the blades of settings (home or APtechnogo cooking), to apply the tepidus ointments. But, even in this case, it is necessary to seek the guidance of a doctor, to prevent the potential negative consequences, as well as consider the individual characteristics of the organism.

Intercostal neuralgia

The disease is caused by compression effects on the nerve endings of the side of the vertebrae. Intercostal neuralgia inherent Pristупononбpазnse times of aggravation, different in intensity and characteristics. The pain is like an idiot, and rapiente. In the process of medical diagnostic consultation of the patient, collection of story done a visual inspection, palpation, to determine the most painful way of a specific area. It is also assigned to pentgenonlongичewithparaone the search, the ultrasound examination. Source of pathological changes is often formed in the area of inflammation of the organs located in the thorax. The disease of the lung, bronchus, pleura, often, are accompanied by this, the person has back pain in the region just below the impeller blades. It happens that the pain of neuralgia is felt not only in the back, but in the chest.

For the treatment of intercostal neuralgia apply techniques, intended, primarily, to resolve the cause, caused the heart attack, the weakening or total elimination. Necessarily are assigned medications, пpeparapащающиe the inflammatory process. In the treatment of neuralgia are also considered to be an effective physical therapy treatment. All of them are designed to relieve back pain, stimulate the regeneration of tissues, strengthen the input of them nutrients due to improved blood circulation.

  • Тpаnwithparapаnиаlünая electroanalgesia.
  • UHF.
  • Fluctuationem.
  • The magnetic therapy.
  • LAZepontepAPия.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Mud therapy.

Traumatic injuries

The condition of manifestation painful response below the blades often become the damage of a character disorder, such as the scapular bones and the vertebral column in the thoracic region. The type of damage a person receives when beats, falls. The pain in this case, it will not allow the person free to move their hands, and the damaged place does nothing and becomes thicker. In the case of an injury you need to do an x-ray, after which the doctor-tpавmаtonlong or surgeon will prescribe the treatment.

The cause of the pain may develop osteomyelitis, which develops when the open, the damage (injury). The disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes, the total intoxication of the organism.

Pathology of the internal organs


Many times the pain below the blades is called heart disease. For example, myocardial infarction is manifested by the fact that the person exerts pressure on the heart area and a pain in the back, in the spine, the left shoulder blade. Pain can иppадииponваtü in the area of the head, the neck and the left shoulder, the arm, until the patient can not it to move. In this case, when the uneasy feelings do not cease, whether a person a little пonдвиgаetXia or deeply пonдsшиt, it must be sent immediately to a hospital.

the pain in the back below the blades causes

The stomach

Diseases of different organs of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, a stomach ulcer) often become causes of back pain in the region below the impeller blades. In the process of progression of gastric ulcer, causing destruction in its mucosa, the nerve endings around the diaphragm, causing bouts of intense pain, not only in the abdominal cavity, but also on the back, below the blades. It is characterized as periodically occurs, is significantly increased when the abstinence of food, and after food intake, without the fulfillment of the recommendations of the doctor. Painful manifestations become less intense or go long after the patient has vomited or did to him to warm the compress. In addition, when the stomach ulcer patients are observed if the following symptoms.

  • Vomiting when the pain expressed more.
  • Heartburn, belching.
  • The pain felt below the blades on the back, and also gives in the heart.
  • If the disease has destroyed the mucous membrane of the stomach very, or completely, patients say they have pain in the back, the shoulders.
  • The sweating.
  • Pallor of skin integument.

Treatment painful reaction on the part of the back when the gastric ulcer in no case it is possible to organise alone, without talking with the doctor. Treat in this case, it is necessary to the disease that is causing the pain.

Among the agents in folk medicine, to help reduce the acidity of the stomach, often called the food of the sodium bicarbonate. However, medicine such a method is not supported because the soda has a very aggressive real impact on the mucous membrane of the organ, destroying it utterly, and exacerbating the problem.


Inflammation of the lungs, are inherent in the painful response of the body to the chest, in the back. In addition, the man raises the temperature, in the lungs you hear wheezing, occurs cough, difficulty breathing. If the pneumonia of one side, the spin below the blades of a pain in the side damaged easy, if the front and back, both sides.

Pain depends on the effectiveness of the aid to the patient on the pathology.

Pain in upper back

If the person regularly works physically, stretching the muscles of the back, the reason lonпаtonчnon-rib starting point of the pain syndrome bind with the excess load on the back, tpавmиponваnиem vertebrae the thoracic spine, the muscle fibres, with hypothermia, your stay in air currents. Often, even the lightest breeze is enough to run out of the room and dressed not according to the time the man felt the pain below the blades. The symptoms of the common cold become the following signals:

  • Damaged or frigus musculature causes mal expresses the pain along the spinal column.
  • The man is limited in the execution of normal movement: difficulty in performing the turns the head, the body, bow by.
  • When you click in panel blades meaning not very strong, the pain.
  • The muscle rigidity extends beyond the back also and the grip of a complex.
  • Лonпаtonчnon-rib pain caused repealed the sense of gravity in the middle of the back, shoulders, upper limbs, contributes to pain in the chest.
  • The worsening usually happen when a person experiences physical load on the muscles of the chest, back.
  • If the treatment does not start with the time, pathological the violation affected the neck, shoulder joint, upper limbs, ribs, chest, t. e. area of the body, located outside of the affected areas of the body.
the pain in the back below the blade due to stress
The problem of detection and diagnosis legonчnon-rib syndrome is for us to discover it absolutely, cannot be confused with other pathological changes in the body, is only possible during your heart attack. Therefore, when you see your symptoms should not wait for your renewal, and as soon as possible examined.

The causes psychosomatic

If a person experiences regularly overhead of a psychological nature, stress, this tension negatively affects the muscular system of the whole body, including the back. In this case, the pain in the back below the blade but above the waist is not uncommon. Usually people complain that it is difficult for them a long time, stand or sit, t. to. spin nonet, the muscle pulls. In the "risk group" are people who do not move during the work day and often fall in a stressful situation or forced to uproot their aggressiveness, irritation to the external factors.

In this case, the back pain goes, when the man is going to solve their psychological problems, to learn how to react to stimuli from the outside.

Causes of pain below scapular, I respect a lot. Therefore, to find out why the pain in the back, in each case, the need to perform diagnostic activities, which is not possible to organize independently. Note when this symptom, you should contact your doctor and, only then, do the treatment.